Doc2Fax API Crack [Updated-2022]

Obviously it is quite complicated and inelegant to first print a digital document and then to have the fax device re-digitalize the printed paper again before finally sending it to the addressee.
Hardware components like Fritz Card, ISDN Card and such overcome this problem by virtually establishing a short circuit between computer and telephone line – and along with them a huge market for Fax Software arised, which drives these hardware components in order to send data through them.
Now if you as a software developer intend to offer your clients a tailor-made Fax Software, by which the end user can print his digital documents without fax device, virtually directly into the telephone line, then you encounter two basic problems:
How is my software supposed to know when the user requests the print process, or fax process, respectively ?
How is my software supposed to get access to the graphical data and the text of the digital document destined to be printed, or faxed, respectively ?
The only solution:
A printer driver, which writes the graphical data and the text of the digital document destined to be printed, or faxed, respectively, into files, and notifies your software about all print processes, print events and filenames, so that your software can react to it and all that is done by Doc2Fax printer driver.
The Doc2Fax API was designed to be a configurable programming interface for your own Fax application.







Doc2Fax API Crack + Torrent (Activation Code) (Final 2022)

You just declare the functions you want to use and get a stream of events, which informs you, when the user presses the key on the keyboard, clicks on a button, uses a mouse, or even dials the phone.
Doc2Fax uses the following events:
* Next Action – the first event of a print/fax process. The function returns the name of the function to be called next, and the arguments of the function. These arguments are text and graphical data of the document to be printed, faxed or pasted.
* Cancel – canceled print/fax processes.
* Init – initialization of Doc2Fax.
* Call Next – used by keyboard shortcuts.
* Done – every time a print/fax process is completed. The function informs you, which function has been executed, and what arguments were supplied.
* First – the first time Doc2Fax is initialized.
* Last – the last time Doc2Fax was initialized.
* Printer_Device_Id – the device identifier that is used by Doc2Fax to determine which printer you have selected.
* Printer_Model – the name of the printer model, which is used by Doc2Fax to determine which printer you have selected.
* Printer_Name – the name of the printer, which is used by Doc2Fax to determine which printer you have selected.
* Fax_Device_Id – the device identifier that is used by Doc2Fax to determine which fax device you have selected.
* Fax_Model – the name of the fax device model, which is used by Doc2Fax to determine which fax device you have selected.
* Fax_Name – the name of the fax device, which is used by Doc2Fax to determine which fax device you have selected.
* Back – the last event of a previous print/fax process.
* Front – the first event of a next print/fax process.
* Button_Down – the first event of a mouse click.
* Mouse_Move – the first event of a mouse movement.
* Mouse_Click – the first event of a mouse click.
* Key_Down – the first event of a key press.
* Key_Up – the last event of a key press.
* Dial – the first event of a phone dial.
* PickUp – the first event of picking up the phone after a dial.
* HangUp – the last event of hanging up the phone

Doc2Fax API Crack + License Keygen [Mac/Win] [Latest 2022]

The KEYMACRO API is based on the Doc2Fax API Full Crack. This API provides the following features and convenience methods:
1. Support of faxes from 16 bit DOC-files
2. Sending of multiple faxes at once
3. Is the fax sent successful?
4. Is the fax sent successfully?
5. Is the fax received successfully?
6. Is the fax received successfully?
7. Get the number of faxes sent
8. Get the number of faxes received
9. Get the number of faxes
10. Get the current faxing status
11. Get the status of the fax
12. Get the list of faxes in a fax list
13. Get the fax list
14. Set status of the faxing status
15. Get status of the faxing status
16. Get status of the fax
17. Get status of the fax
18. Set status of the fax
19. Get fax index
20. Create a new fax file in current directory
21. Set current directory
22. Delete current directory
23. Print fax number
24. Delete fax number
25. Get fax number
26. Get fax extension
27. Get fax name
28. Get fax status
29. Get fax type
30. Get fax image
31. Get fax style
32. Get fax color
33. Get fax fax height
34. Get fax fax lines
35. Get fax fax name
36. Get fax list
37. Get fax name list
38. Set print
39. Set print if has enough ink
40. Set print
41. Set pause
42. Set pause if has enough ink
43. Set pause
44. Set resume
45. Set resume if has enough ink
46. Set fax
47. Set fax if has enough ink
48. Set fax
49. Set fax direction
50. Set fax status
51. Set fax count
52. Set fax
53. Set fax
54. Set fax
55. Set fax
56. Set fax
57. Set fax color
58. Set fax fax lines
59. Set fax fax height
60. Set fax fax name
61. Set fax fax name
62. Set fax fax name
63. Set fax fax name
64. Set fax fax name
65. Set fax fax name
66. Set fax fax name
67. Set fax fax name
68. Set fax

Doc2Fax API Crack Latest

The Doc2Fax API is composed of a base class, a Fax Service class and a Fax Callback-Interface for it.
How can I use the Doc2Fax API?
The Doc2Fax API provides a few functions for the client-side programming of a Fax application.
These functions are derived from the base class FaxResponseEventHandler (see doc2fax.h) and are described in the doc2fax.doc file.
These functions are performed by sending various Fax Events (see doc2fax.h) which can be implemented by anyone.
How can you implement a Fax Service using the Doc2Fax API?
You could use the Doc2Fax API to implement a Fax service.
Such a service should handle the Fax events and provide the interface for the client-side programming of a Fax application.
What does Fax Service mean?
The Doc2Fax API is oriented towards client-side programming of a Fax application.
As a service provider, the Doc2Fax API is also used to implement server-side programming.
The Doc2Fax API’s Fax Service class is used to expose the API for the server-side programming.
It is not intended to be used to implement a Fax Server itself.
The Doc2Fax API’s Fax Service class provides two methods:
IWebFaxService::FaxSend(IWebFaxService::FOnFaxEvent eFlexible)
IWebFaxService::FaxReceive(IWebFaxService::FOnFaxEvent eFlexible)
The above methods are only the starting point of the Fax Service.
So what does the Fax Receive Method (FOnFaxEvent) really do?
The Fax Service receives the Fax events and the parameters of the Fax Event.
The Fax Service has two methods for processing the received Fax events:
void IWebFaxService::OnReceive(IWebFaxEvent&)
void IWebFaxService::OnReceive(void)
So how can you use the Fax Callback Interface of the Doc2Fax API?
You could use the Fax Callback Interface of the Doc2Fax API to implement a Fax Service.
Such a service should handle the Fax events and provide the interface for the client-side programming of a Fax application.
The Doc2Fax API’s Fax Callback Interface is used to receive

What’s New in the Doc2Fax API?

This interface is used to control the process of digitally sending faxes.
This documentation presents the requirements of this interface as defined in the Interface Definition Language (IDL).

1. General structure:
The Doc2Fax Interface, consists of the following structures:
Doc2Fax interface, defined by the IDL interface definition language (IDL)
Doc2Fax application, defined by a private application language (PAL)
Doc2Fax application server, defined by a script language (PAL)
The main program of the API is the Doc2Fax application. This application listens for events from the Doc2Fax interface. The API also provides a query and response structure. It is not required that the query be sent first, but a response is not possible unless the query is sent first.
The API uses the following internal structures:
Fax document information, which contains information such as document, page and page number
Document and Pages reference to the Document structure
Application information, which contains information such as application name, version and message tags
Define Fax XML (DFX) document structure

2. The doc2fax interface:
The Doc2Fax interface supports an application programming interface (API) to
send and receive fax documents.
An application can communicate with the Fax API through the facilities of an
application server (and through these the interface is initialized). The server is
an application that performs all tasks required to send and receive fax documents.
It acts as a communication agent between the application and the Fax API.
Doc2Fax is implemented as a COM server.
The Fax API is implemented as a client.
The combination of the Fax API with a Doc2Fax application server forms a fax
communication framework. The application server can be implemented in an IDL-based
script language that provides a higher level of interoperability than the Doc2Fax

3. Application Programming Interface:

The following terms are used in the interface definitions and the definitions
of the object model of the application programming interface:
TIFF file or Fax document
Document – a TIFF file containing pages to be sent
Application – the program that requests the Fax API for the sending of a Fax
AppServer – the application server as a COM object that receives the Fax
document request from the application and sends the Fax document to the
Application server, as a COM object
Page, as a TIFF file, containing the content of one page
Filing – the entire Fax document
Application and Filing references to the application and the Filing structure
Document and Filing references to the Document and Filing structures
Application information – the name and version of the application that is using
the API and other message tags, as defined in the application specifications

System Requirements For Doc2Fax API:

The game will run on most computers, although a stable frame rate may not be achieved with low-end devices such as, for example, the Nintendo DS. The system requirements are as follows:
– PC version:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: 3.0 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 2 GB VRAM or DX10 graphics card
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Sound Card: Audio device that supports EAX 2.0 or higher